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  • Writer's pictureBecoming HER

From Esther: Stay Open

Our #womanofthemonth is Queen Esther, and we’re back with another message from her.

We hope you have been blessed so far with this series, and please leave a comment down below, on Instagram, or on Facebook to let us know what you’ve learned so far. You can also send us emails at, and we promise to get back to you as soon as we can.

Please tell your friends about the series by tagging them in the comments section on social media, sharing on social media, or giving them the link to read up on their own. Thank you, and remain blessed as you tell more ladies about Becoming HER.

Now, let us continue!

Lesson #6: God Uses Everything and Everybody for His Divine Purpose

No part of our lives is untouched: God is in control of every aspect, whether we want Him to be or not, and there is nothing that is not subject to Him (Hebrews 2:8). But God, being the just and merciful Being that He is, has given us something huge: free will.

Even though everything is subject to Him and He is in charge, He lets us make our own choices, our own decisions. So, you can take yourself out of His will, or you could be like Esther, and walk in it.

The best thing we can do for our lives is to search for and surrender to His will.

Lesson #7: The Obstacle is the Way

It is easy to assume that, as an orphan, Esther didn’t have the best of childhoods. It is safe to say that, based on that assumption, she was made stronger by her experiences. She had overcome the pain of loss as a child. She knew what it felt like to be lonely. She went through all that and knew she had the resilience within her to face new challenges.

When she stepped into the palace, she used these obstacles in her past as stepping stones instead of excuses. She chose to use her pain instead of being suffocated by it.

Growing past our pain and learning from it for future situations is a skill that we need to cultivate. Becoming fearful because of what you have experienced does not help you at all.

Becoming strong because of it, in spite of it, sets you up to be able to overcome future challenges (because they will always come).

Lesson #8: Live for Something Greater than Yourself

The more focused a person is on finding happiness for himself in this world, the more it seems happiness eludes them. This is because we find the greatest happiness in giving to others and living for something greater than ourselves.

Esther could have decided to make herself comfortable in the luxuries and pleasures of the palace and ignore the world and the people beyond its walls. But Esther wasn’t living just for herself. She had grown up in the house of Mordecai, who had taught her well, so she knew she had a responsibility to stand up for her people.

And she did.

Interactive Session

  • How do you know that you are walking in the will of God?

  • How often have you talked yourself out of it?

  • Knowing that you fulfilled the purpose He had for you is a very satisfying feeling. Remember any instances this has happened? Please share!

  • We all experience pain, and we all deal with them in our own way. But the best way is when we don’t let it keep us down, but learn from it and become stronger for it. What is your process of dealing with and growing through pain? (Deliberately decide to help those who are having a harder time dealing with challenges. It is not an easy process, and no one should be mocked for it.)

  • Love requires that we love others as ourselves. This is living for something greater than us. How have you shown love to others at the cost of your own comfort?

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